Encourage by the success of its all-electric Eletre SUV, Lotus India has launched two new models and a new showroom, too. The first gets 905bhp and is Lotus' fastest four-door sportscar, the Emeya, while the second is its true-to-the-brand two-door sportcar, the Emira, with the option of 400bhp supercharged V6 with a manual. The Emeya carries a price tag of Rs 2.33 Cr (ex-showroom) and the Emira is priced at Rs 3.22 Cr (ex-showroom).
New Lotus Emeya and Lotus Emira Launched In India | 4-Door and 2-Door Hyper GT | 2025 | autoX
Encourage by the success of its all-electric Eletre SUV, Lotus India has launched two new models and a new showroom, too. The first gets 905bhp and is Lotus' fastest four-door sportscar, the Emeya, while the second is its true-to-the-brand two-door sportcar, the Emira, with the option of 400bhp supercharged V6 with a manual.