Relaunching the legendary Luna nameplate, Kinetic Green has pulled the covers off its new e-moped. Priced at Rs, 69,990, the all-new E-Luna was launched in Delhi with Minister of Road Transport and Highways of India, Nitin Gatdkari in attendance. With a claimed range of 110km and a payload capacity of 150km, the new E-Luna seems tailor made for its tier-II and tier-III. If that's got you interested, watch the video to know what exactly what it has to offer.
Kinetic Green E-Luna Launch Walkaround | The Moped India Loves Goes Electric! | 2024 | autoX
Relaunching the legendary Luna nameplate, Kinetic Green has pulled the covers off its new e-moped. Priced at Rs, 69,990, the all-new E-Luna was launched in Delhi with Minister of Road Transport and Highways of India, Nitin Gatdkari in attendance.