Hero MotoCorp had a fantastic show on the very first day of Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025, announcing the launch of 4 new products in the Indian market. The Indian bikemaker introduced the Xtreme 250R sports bike with a trellis frame and liquid-cooled engine, and it has been claimed the fastest 250cc bike in India. The next one is the all-new iteration of the popular Xpulse 200 which, finally, gets the much-demanded power boost with a new liquid-cooled engine and much more. Hero has also launched two new scooters in the premium segment, the Xoom 160 maxi scooter and the Xoom 125. They will be locking horns with offerings like the Yamaha Aerox 155 and the TVS Ntorq 125, respectively. Check out our quick walkaround video for the prices and more details about these four new Heros.
Hero Xpulse 210, Xoom 160 and 125 Launched | All Details and Features | Auto Expo 2025 India | autoX
Hero MotoCorp had a fantastic show on the very first day of Bharat Mobility Global Expo 2025, announcing the launch of 4 new products in the Indian market. The Indian bikemaker introduced the Xtreme 250R sports bike with a trellis frame and liquid-cooled engine, and it has been claimed the fastest 250cc bike in India.