Driving Tips
5 reasons why buying a used car makes more sense
With increasing costs causing a hike in car prices – even with discounts – the used car market is beginning to look more-and-more attractive. Why? Well, here are 5 reasons why buying a pre-owned car makes more sense than looking at a new one.
Road Safety: Unwritten Driving Etiquette
India's poor law execution, and consequently, our instinctive ignorance towards the specified norms - have always contributed to Indian roads being notorious for casualties. However, just complaining won't make roads a safer place - there is a lot that needs to be done on the driver’s behalf.
Tyre changing tips & tricks
An often seen sight on the roads in our country is a vehicle with a flat tyre while the motorist is struggling to change the deflated tyre – most
How To Drive In The Rain
The monsoon is here in full force, and with the rain comes a host of challenges that are faced by drivers out on the road. Some of these challenges
Defensive Driving: Predict It Before It Happens
Defensive driving aims at reducing accidents on road by anticipating actions of others and reacting accordingly How often do we see drivers speeding