The Royal Enfield Classic 350 and the Jawa 42 FJ are two formidable competitors in India's 350cc motorcycle market.
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While the Ducati Multistrada V4 RS is the most expensive Multistrada, the BMW M 1000 XR is nearly Rs 7 lakh more
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Does spending more money on an off-road motorcycle make you a better off-road rider? To find out, I set out on an
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If you have a homegrown bias, which premium 300-400cc motorcycle should you go for? Is it the sharp-looking,
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Here's how the newly launched Royal Enfield Guerrilla 450 fares against the Harley-Davidson X440 on a range of
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We draw a comparison between the Royal Enfield Guerrilla 450 and the Husqvarna Svartpilen 401 to help you understand
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When you think of sporty 125cc motorcycles, the TVS Raider is what springs to mind. However, Hero has now introduced a
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Here's a detailed comparison between the BMW R 1300 GS and the Ducati Multistrada V4 to see how they fare against
6 months ago