Tata has launched its ‘Tata Motors Service’ initiative which is inline with the companys recently launched strategy ’HorizonNext’. With this initiative, Tata Motors will focus on enhancing customer satisfaction, especially in terms of after-sales service.
Tata Motors will introduce new services like a biometric and RFID-based real-time tracking system for all the vehicles in Tata’s service bays. This will help in providing information regarding the location and status of their car while it is at the dealer workshop, helping customers keep track of the vehicle through various stages at the workshop.
Customers can also log on to the dealer website and fix an appointment with the service centre. Once you’ve fed the information, the service centre will call back the customers to fix an appointment. Other services include an online service appointment facility, a turnaround time of 90 minutes for minor repairs at any workshop, and a 24x7 breakdown assistance programme available across a network of over 2,700 authorised service providers. Tata claims that its breakdown vans won’t take more than 60 minutes to reach its destination within the city and 120 minutes for highways and other places.
Tata Motors also plans to introduce up to 20 ‘Doorstep Service’ vans across the country, which will offer a quick service in case of emergencies, conduct periodic maintenance of cars belonging to customers with busy schedules, and even repair any minor damages on Tata cars.
Ranjit Yadav, president, passenger vehicle business unit, Tata Motors, said, “As a part of our even greater focus on customer delight in our Horizonext strategy, these service initiatives harness technology, our network and customer insights to take customer service to a higher level of customer satisfaction. With these initiatives, we are harnessing our over 800 technology-backed sales outlets and customer insights to take out customer engagements to the next level.”
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