Kia India sold 2.55 lakh units in 2024, registering a 6% increase over the previous year's 2.41 lakh units. The Sonet remained the top seller with 1.02 lakh units sold, followed by the Seltos and the Carens. The recently launched Carnival Limousine also saw strong demand with 563 units sold in just two months. Kia also exported 25,404 units in 2024, showcasing its global reach. To expand its network, Kia India opened 126 new dealerships and 36 Certified Pre-Owned (CPO) outlets, bringing the total number of touchpoints to 700, spanning across 301 cities nationwide.
Commenting on the sales, Mr. Hardeep Singh Brar, Senior Vice President and Head of Sales and Marketing at Kia India, said, ‘2024 has been a defining and Head of Sales and Marketing at Kia India, said, ‘2024 has been a defining one for Kia India. Our focus on ensuring the timely delivery of our vehicles has not only allowed customers to enjoy their favourite Kia models but also strengthened our foundation for future growth.’
Also Read: Kia Syros Bookings Commence in India; Prices to be Revealed on February 1
He further added ‘Expanding our touchpoints across the country is not just a strategy for immediate gains—it’s a long-term investment in building customer trust and expanding our reach. As we move into 2025, we are excited about the upcoming launch of the Syros, which promises to redefine the Indian automotive landscape. With this, we will set new industry benchmarks and reinforce our leadership position in the market.’
Kia Syros India Launch Soon
Kia will reveal the prices for the eagerly awaited Syros SUV on February 1, 2025. The Syros will be available with a 1.0-litre turbo-petrol engine (118bhp/172Nm) and a 1.5-litre diesel engine (116bhp/250Nm). Transmission options include a 6-speed manual, 6-speed automatic, and 7-speed DCT. The SUV is available in six variants—HTK, HTK (O), HTK+, HTX, HTX+, and HTX+ (O)—and eight monotone colours (Pewter Olive, Aurora Black Pearl, Frost Blue, Intense Red, Gravity Grey, Imperial Blue, Sparkling Silver, and Glacier White Pearl).
Also Read: Kia Syros HTK, HTK+, HTX, HTX+ (O) and More Variants Explained: What's Different?
The SUV is packed with advanced features such as a two-spoke steering wheel, a pair of 12.3-inch screens—one for infotainment and the other for the driver's digital display, and a 5-inch screen situated between the two main displays for climate control, a premium Harman Kardon sound system with eight speakers, ventilated front and rear seats, a four-way powered driver's seat, dual-zone air conditioning, and a panoramic sunroof.
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