Mahindra has revised the price of its select SUVs in India, including the Scorpio-N, Thar, and Bolero Neo. The first two are now Rs 25,000 and Rs 10,000 costlier, while the latter has become Rs 14,000 more expensive. After the most recent price increase, the 7-seat Bolero Neo starts at Rs 9.95 lakh (ex-showroom). Notably, only the Bolero Neo N4 and N8 models are subject to the price hike. The Bolero Neo is powered by a 1.5-litre diesel engine, which produces 260Nm and 100bhp, mated to a 5-speed manual transmission. The RWD is standard on all versions, while the N10 (O) gets multi-terrain technology for improved off-road performance.
Also Read: Mahindra Bolero Neo+ vs Bolero Neo: What's Different?
The Bolero Neo is available in six colour options: Highway Red, Majestic Silver, Pearl White, Diamond White, and Rocky Beige. The SUV rivals the likes of the Maruti Suzuki Brezza, Hyundai Venue, Nissan Magnite, Kia Sonet, Renault Kiger, and Tata Nexon.
Mahindra Bolero Neo: Features
The Bolero Neo has a storage capacity of 384 litres and offers multiple features, including dual front airbags, cruise control, height-adjustable driver seat, keyless entry, rear parking sensors with reverse assist, ISOFIX child mounts, and a 7-inch touchscreen infotainment system (N10 O variant).
Also Read: Mahindra Thar Prices Hiked in India, Range Now Starts at Rs 11.35 Lakh
Mahindra Bolero Neo Global NCAP Crash Results
The SUV obtained a 1-star rating in the latest round of Global NCAP. For adult and child protection, it received scores of 20.26 out of 34 and 12.71 out of 49 points, respectively. The testing agency reported that it lacked proper foot and chest protection and that its structure and footwell were unstable. The absence of seatbelt reminders for all occupants and curtain airbags led to overall low ratings in the adult protection category. For child occupant protection, the Bolero Neo SUV features only one child restraint system (CRS) and does not include three-point seatbelts for all passengers.
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