General Motors India has sacked Anil Mehrotra, Chief Finance Officer (CFO), and has held him accountable for the recent recall of 1.14 lakh units of the Chevrolet Tavera. We already told you that a number of employees in India and the US have been asked to leave the company after the Tavera recall.
Being the CFO of the company Mehrotra was responsible for approving all purchases and budgets related to manufacturing plants at Talegaon and Halol. Mehrotra has been with GM for more than 12 years and his ouster certainly comes as a surprise.
Besides Mehrotra, GM will fire some more officials who are directly or indirectly responsible for the recall issue in Gurgaon, Halol and Talegaon.
However, GM has not been able to address the Sail hatchback and sedan diesel car issue yet, but the company promises that all will be taken care of soon and both production and sale of the both the cars will resume shortly.
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