First round of Road Safety Hackathon concludes in Delhi

Indian Road Safety Campaign, in collaboration with Live Media and NSS IIT Delhi, organised the Road Safety Hackathon from February 16 - 18, 2018, which is one of its kind event for the road safety

By autoX Editorial | on February 24, 2018 Follow us on Autox Google News

This was the first round of this hackathon where top 10 teams from IIT Delhi, NSIT etc. were shortlisted for the final round. The final round is scheduled for April 20, 2018, on the eve of iSafe Finale.

Indian Road Safety Campaign, in collaboration with Live Media and NSS IIT Delhi, organised the Road Safety Hackathon from February 16 - 18, which is one of its kind event for the road safety.

The hackathon was aimed to harness the intellect of the students at premier institutions to come up with the feasible solutions that addresses road safety issues. The students were allowed to participate in the hackathon in teams of maximum size three. The hackathon saw around 115 student teams coming from various technical colleges of Delhi and NCR.

The hackathon started with a kickstart on the evening of February 16. LiveMedia experts released the problem statement where participants had to come up with digital solutions in the following road safety domains - driver behaviour, driver distractions, fraud detection.

Above domains were discussed in detail by LiveMedia experts including various kind of products that can be brought up in each domain. Next day all the participants were handed over food coupons and instruction booklets.

Overall the hackathon ran for 36 hours including late nights where the participants worked on their ideas under constant mentorship from the LiveMedia expert mentors throughout this period. The event concluded with felicitation of shortlisted teams.

Tags: iSafe

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