Last year in June, Indian bike maker Bajaj had witnessed a 50-day closure of its Chakan factory due to labour issues. Now, the same worker’s union has once again called for a strike, which is supposed start on the 28th of April. There are currently 1,300 workers at the Chakanfactory, out of which 850 of them are members of the worker’s union that has called for the strike. So far, the union has demanded an increase in wages and an allotment of Bajaj Auto shares to all permanent employees, which has led to a dispute with the company’s management.
Currently, the Chakan plant produces the Pulsar, Avenger, and KTM models. But, with an indefinite strike coming up, the company has stated that, if needed, it will move the production of the bikes to its other plants in Waluj and Pantnagar. The issue has been brought to the Bombay High Court, where the case is pending.
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