Volkswagen to trim its model line-up

Volkswagen Group to stop production of low volume models. Despite the size and financial resources of the Volkswagen group, its huge dieselgate

By autoX Editorial | on June 21, 2016 Follow us on Autox Google News

Volkswagen Group to stop production of low volume models.

Despite the size and financial resources of the Volkswagen group, its huge dieselgate scandal has rocked the company to its very core. You can read about it here -- VW Crisis: Situation worsens for the Volkswagen Group

And while Volkswagen has set aside cash to pay fines and fix affected cars, word is out that the German automotive giant is out to cut production of low volume cars to the tune of 40 models while also selling off some subsidiaries to reduce and offset costs.

Volkswagen Group CEO Matthias Muller recently announced a new company strategy of putting a major focus on electric vehicles but this is largely because of regulations being enforced on the company due to its emissions cheating scandal. Apart from this he also commented that the company will be cutting down a number  of models, although any details as to which models, brands, number of cars, etc were not divulged.

As of now rumours are that the company is looking to cut down production of as many as 40 models. While the brand was also looking to sell its Italian motorcycle brand Ducati which it acquired via Audi and its commercial vehicle making brand MAN. While the diesel emissions scandal has cost VW a lot of money, the company is still doing rather well as the automotive giant led worldwide sales for the first quarter of the 2016 calendar year after sales had fallen initially at the end of 2015.

Tags: Volkswagen

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