Maruti Suzuki Jimny has finally landed on Indian shores after a long wait. The carmaker has brought the five-door version into our market at a starting price of Rs 12.74 lakh. The brand-new off-roader is available in two variants: Zeta and Alpha. These variants are available with both manual and automatic gearbox options. The base Zeta MT version is priced at Rs 12.74 lakh, whereas the Alpha MT costs Rs 13.69 lakh, which is Rs 95,000 more than the base version. Meanwhile, the AT models of the Zeta and the Alpha models cost Rs 13.94 lakh and Rs 14.89 lakh, respectively, which is a difference of Rs 1.20 lakh from their respective manual variants. So, let's find out whether you should pay more for the top-spec model or settle for the base version.
Also Read: Maruti Suzuki Jimny 5-Door Launched in India at Rs 12.74 Lakh
Maruti Suzuki Jimny Alpha, Zeta Variants: Powertrain & Features
Propelling the new Jimny is a 1.5-litre four-cylinder naturally-aspirated petrol engine, capable of producing 103bhp and 134Nm. For transmission, it uses either a 5-speed manual or a 4-speed automatic transmission.
The Maruti Suzuki Jimny Zeta base model gets a 7-inch touchscreen with wireless Android Auto and Apple Carplay, black door handles and black bumpers, rear defogger, wheel arch cladding, 4x adjustable headrests, remote central locking, and more. The Zeta base version rides on 15-inch steel wheels. Further, it has ISOFIX, a Front seatbelt pretensioner, halogen reflector headlamps, Hill start assist (HSA), and more in terms of safety.
Meanwhile, the Maruti Suzuki Jimny Alpha version gets a range of features over the base Zeta variant, which includes a larger 9-inch touchscreen, Auto headlamps, Fog lamps, LED projector headlamps with a washer, Green tinted windows, Cruise control, and more. The Alpha version gets 15-inch alloy wheels.
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Maruti Suzuki Jimny Alpha, Zeta Variants: Prices
As mentioned, the Zeta version has a starting price of Rs 12.74 lakh, while the pricing for the Alpha variant in India starts at Rs 13.69 lakh. Both prices are ex-showroom. Let's take a closer look at these versions' specific price structures and cost differences.
Variant | Manual | Automatic | Difference |
Zeta | Rs 12.74 lakh | Rs 13.94 lakh | Rs 1.20 lakh |
Alpha | Rs 13.69 lakh | Rs 14.89 lakh | Rs 1.20 lakh |
Here is the price difference between both variants:
Transmission | Zeta | Alpha | Difference |
Manual | Rs 12.74 lakh | Rs 13.69 lakh | Rs 95,000 |
Automatic | Rs 13.94 lakh | Rs 14.89 lakh | Rs 95,000 |
All the above-mentioned prices are ex-showroom.
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