Mahindra is expected to launch the XUV700-based EV, possibly dubbed the XEV 7e, in India by the end of the year. However, before that, design sketches of the production-ready model have been leaked online from presentation slides, offering a preview of the EV's interior and exterior. While the overall profile is similar to the ICE-powered XUV700, the front end takes on a bold new look inspired by the recently launched XEV 9e. It includes inverted L-shaped connected LED DRLs, closed-off grille, and split headlamps. The side profile is accentuated by distinctive alloy wheels, which enhance the SUV's aesthetics while optimising aerodynamics for better efficiency and range. At the rear, the design maintains the signature elements of the XUV700, with subtle updates that emphasise its electric transformation.
Mahindra XEV 7e: Interior
The XEV 7e is expected to offer a 3-row seating layout, with the option for second-row captain seats, depending on the variant. It is likely to feature a modern 2-spoke steering wheel with an illuminated ‘infinity’ logo, reminiscent of the XEV 9e, and a stylish black and white interior theme.
The XUV700 Electric may also come with a state-of-the-art triple screen arrangement, possibly featuring 12.3-inch displays for the driver’s instrument cluster, infotainment, and passenger-side view.
Also Read: Mahindra XUV 3XO EV Spotted Undisguised Ahead of India Launch
In terms of amenities, the XEV 7e will likely include a panoramic sunroof, multi-zone climate control, powered and ventilated front seats with memory settings, a high-end audio system, up to 7 airbags, and a 360-degree camera, and level 2 advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).
Mahindra XEV 7e: Powertrain
Mahindra hasn’t revealed the powertrain details, the XEV 7e is anticipated to share battery options with the XEV 9e (59kWh and 79kWh), paired with a single electric motor.
Also Read: Mahindra XEV 9e Pack Three Variant Launched in India at Rs 30.50 Lakh
An all-wheel-drive variant is also a possibility. The estimated driving range could reach up to 650 kilometres depending on the battery size and driving conditions.
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