The Mahindra Thar 5-door has been spotted testing in India ahead of its official release. The spy pictures reveal several features of the SUV, including improved rear legroom. The new Thar five-door also seems to have AC vents for second-row passengers, along with pull-style handles, quarter glass panels, a silver inlay with the Thar logo, and bottle compartments. In terms of features, the five-door variant is expected to have a new 10.25-inch infotainment system, several toggle switches on the centre console, USB Type-C charging connection, push-button start, auto headlights, rain-sensing wipers, a 10.2-inch fully digital instrument cluster, sunroof, and Level-2 ADAS. Let's look at other details of the upcoming Mahindra Thar.
Also Read: Upcoming Mahindra Thar 5-door vs 3-door: Here are the Changes We Expect So Far
Mahindra Thar 5-door: Exterior
The 5-door model will feature two extra rear doors and a longer wheelbase than its 3-door counterpart; it will continue to have the same boxy shape. This lifestyle off-roader will get a revamped grille, projector headlights, fog lights, a rear wiper and washer, rear door handles on the C-pillar, and new dual-tone alloy wheels. Mahindra is likely to bring the Thar 5-door with a fixed metal top, like the 3-door version.
Mahindra Thar 5-door: Under The Hood
The Thar SUV is expected to feature the same engine options as the 3-door model – a 2.0-litre turbo-petrol unit and a 2.2-litre diesel engine. The turbo-petrol engine produces 150bhp and 320Nm, while the diesel engine develops 130bhp and 300Nm. It may come with both 6-speed manual and automatic gearbox options.
Mahindra Thar 5-door: Price and Rivals
The Mahindra Thar currently retails between Rs 11.35 lakh and Rs 17.60 lakh (both ex-showroom) in India. The Thar 5-door, with substantial improvements over the 3-door variant, is expected to be priced between Rs 15 lakh and Rs 18 lakh (ex-showroom). It will directly lock horns with the Maruti Suzuki Jimny and Force Gurkha 5-door.
Also Read: Mahindra Thar Gets New Deep Forest Colour Option in India
Mahindra has not made any official announcement, but the new Thar is expected to go on sale on August 15 in India.
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