Mahindra recently launched the Neo+, a longer version of the Bolero Neo, in two variants: P4 and P10. The 9-seater SUV looks similar to its 7-seater sibling, except for some minor yet noticeable changes in style, features, and engine. The standard Mahindra Bolero Neo costs between Rs 9.90 lakh and Rs 12.15 lakh, whereas the Bolero Neo+ ranges from Rs 11.39 lakh to Rs 12.49 lakh. All prices are ex-showroom. Here, we've compared the recently introduced bigger Bolero Neo+ with its smaller sibling to help you figure out which SUV offers better value for money. So, without further ado, let's take a look.
Mahindra Bolero Neo+ vs Bolero Neo: Powertrain
The Neo+ from Mahindra gets a larger diesel engine than its 7-seater sibling, which is a 2.2-litre diesel with 118bhp and 280Nm. It sports a 6-speed manual transmission that distributes power to the rear wheels. On the other hand, the Bolero Neo has a smaller 1.5-litre diesel engine with a 5-speed manual transmission that generates 260Nm and 98.6bhp. The Neo+ keeps the ladder-frame chassis of its 7-seater counterpart but misses out on a mechanical locking differential.
Mahindra Bolero Neo+ vs Bolero Neo: Dimensions and Design
The Bolero Neo+ and the Bolero Neo differ significantly in terms of seating layout and length. The Mahindra Bolero Neo+ is 405mm longer than the Bolero Neo, while the width and wheelbase remain unchanged. The 9-seater SUV has three rows of seats in a 2-3-4 layout. The last row features two side-facing seats.
Dimensions | Mahindra Bolero Neo+ | Mahindra Bolero Neo |
Length | 4,400mm | 3,995mm |
Width | 1,795mm | 1,795mm |
Height | 1,812mm | 1,817mm |
Wheelbase | 2,680mm | 2,680mm |
Seating Configuration | 9-seater | 7-seater |
In terms of design, the stretched Bolero Neo retains the same boxy appearance and a stronger road presence except for slight cosmetic changes like a front bumper with updated fog lamps and a bull bar-like design. There's also a new pair of 16-inch alloys. Both the Neo+ and the Bolero Neo have an X-shaped spare wheel cover on the rear, but the former features a few improvements, such as a rounder look and a slightly tweaked rear bumper.
Mahindra Bolero Neo+ vs Bolero Neo: Features
The Bolero Neo+ sports a larger 9-inch touchscreen and Bluetooth, Aux, and USB connection. In contrast, the Bolero Neo has a smaller 7-inch touchscreen system. Other significant features of the 9-seater variant include a height-adjustable driver's seat, manual air conditioning, front, and rear power windows, a 6-speaker sound system, electrically adjustable ORVMs, and front seat armrests. The Bolero Neo comes with cruise control, however the elongated variation (Neo+) does not. The Bolero Neo is available in four variants—N4, N8, N10, and N10 (O), while the Bolero Neo+ comes in only two variants—P4 and P10.
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