Mahindra has launched the top variant of its BE 6 in India, priced at Rs 26.90 lakh (ex-showroom). The BE 6 has quickly become one of the most talked-about cars following its grand reveal. The complete price range for the BE 6 is now available, starting from Rs 18.9 lakh to Rs 26.90 lakh (ex-showroom). This new model is part of Mahindra's Electric Origin SUV series and offers outstanding performance, high efficiency, and top-tier safety, powered by the advanced INGLO EV platform. The BE 6 comes in three variants: Pack 1, Pack 2, and Pack 3. Bookings for the Pack 3 (79kWh) will open on February 14, 2025, while bookings for other variants will begin in March.
Mahindra BE 6: Design
The Mahindra BE 6 has a bold and futuristic design. The angular bonnet and C-shaped LED DRLs create a dynamic, eye-catching look, while sculpted lines enhance its aggressive stance. The sharp front bumper adds to the sporty appeal, giving it a modern, aerodynamic profile.
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Key features include a coupe-like roofline, sleek cuts and creases, LED projector headlights, flush door handles, an illuminated BE emblem on the bonnet, full-width wraparound LED taillights, and newly designed alloy wheels that improve aerodynamics. This SUV’s design blends style with performance, making it a standout choice.
Mahindra BE 6: Cabin And Features
The Mahindra BE.05 offers a driver-centric interior with a stylish 2-spoke steering wheel featuring a glowing 'BE' logo at the centre. The seats are finished in grey fabric, and the drive mode shifter has a sporty design that resembles a fighter jet's thrust lever.
Tech features include dual 10.25-inch digital displays for the driver and infotainment, multi-zone climate control, wireless phone charging, and a panoramic glass roof with ambient lighting. For safety, the BE.05 comes with seven airbags, an electronic parking brake, park assist, a 360-degree camera, and Level-2 ADAS, including autonomous emergency braking, forward collision warning, and adaptive cruise control.
Mahindra BE 6: Powertrain
The Mahindra BE 6 comes with two LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate) battery options: 59kWh and 79kWh. Strategically positioned low in the chassis for enhanced stability, these batteries power electric motors delivering 227bhp and 282bhp respectively, both producing a consistent 380Nm of torque.
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The high-spec 79kWh variant offers impressive acceleration, reaching 0-100km/h in just 6.7 seconds. Currently, the BE 6 is available with rear-wheel drive, with an all-wheel-drive version expected to launch soon.
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