Land Rover has launched the 2025 Defender in India, with prices starting at Rs 1.39 crore (ex-showroom). The refreshed model brings a host of upgrades, both in terms of performance and luxury. It is available in three distinct body styles—Defender 90, 110, and 130—and X-Dynamic HSE and X variants. Following the latest update, the Defender now boasts a powerful V8 P425 engine, delivering 420bhp for an exceptional driving experience. Additionally, the vehicle comes equipped with advanced features such as Terrain Response, Configurable Terrain Response, and Electronic Air Suspension, further enhancing its performance and capability.
Commenting on the launch, Rajan Amba, Managing Director, JLR India, said ‘The Defender represents the pinnacle of capability and refinement in our product lineup With the new V8 P425 engine and a host of advanced comfort features such as New individual Captain Chairs, we are proud to offer our customers a vehicle that seamlessly combines luxury, comfort, innovative technology, and all-terrain prowess. It is a testament to our commitment to delivering unmatched experiences on and off the road, hence it’s the top runner in its segment.’
2025 Land Rover Defender: Powertrain
The 2025 Land Rover Defender introduces a potent new V8 P425 5.0-litre petrol engine delivering nearly 420bhp and 610Nm. Alongside this, Land Rover offers 2.0-litre and 3.0-litre turbocharged petrol engines. The top-spec Octa boasts a 4.4-litre V8 petrol engine, producing an impressive 626bhp and 750Nm, making it the most powerful Defender in India.
2025 Land Rover Defender: Exterior and Interior Upgrades
Land Rover has elevated the exterior of its iconic SUV with bold upgrades, like sleek matrix LED headlights with signature DRLs, robust 20-inch all-terrain Satin Dark Grey alloy wheels, and a striking black contrast roof. Additionally, the SUV is equipped with a sophisticated soft-close tailgate.
Inside, the 2025 Defender gets a host of impressive upgrades, including Windsor leather seats, 14-way heated and cooled front seats with memory function, and climate-controlled rear seats with ultimate comfort. Premium materials like Nubuck and suede cloth enhance the cabin ambiance.
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The SUV also has a 3D surround camera, a panoramic sunroof, an 11.4-inch touchscreen infotainment system, a Meridian sound system, and a front-row refrigerator. The addition of captain chairs in the second row makes access to the third row more convenient and effortless.
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