Ola Electric CEO, Mr Bhavish Aggrarwal, took to his Twitter account to announce that the premium S1 Pro electric scooter will now cost Rs 1.25 lakh (ex-showroom) in India. The prices of the e-scooter have dropped by Rs 5,000. Before the discount, the scooter's cost in India was Rs 1.30 lakh (ex-showroom). Reportedly, customers will be able to access the discount until April 16 only. The model will again get back to its old price, i.e., Rs 1.30 lakh, after the above-mentioned date. The automaker has not provided any exact reason behind this temporary price cut. However, market speculations reveal that it might have been done to boost the demand for the S1 Pro e-scooter, which was witnessing low sales after the launch of the S1 Air electric scooter.
Friday EOD. Emotions of our leadership team right after we announced the price drop.
The OLA S1 Pro, now at ₹ 1,24,999. The end of ICE age is near! pic.twitter.com/agsoCl4qXV
— Bhavish Aggarwal (@bhash) March 31, 2023
Ola S1 Pro: Key Details
The Ola S1 Pro e-scooter is powered by a 4 kWh lithium-ion battery pack, which gives it a claimed range of 181km on a single charge. The 8.5kW (11.3bhp) PMS electric motor's top speed stands at 116km/h. It has four driving modes: Eco, Normal, Sport, and Hyper. In terms of features, the electric scooter comes with a 7-inch colour TFT display, cruise control, navigation, music playback, reverse mode, and more.
Also Read: Ola S1 Electric Scooter Could Get ADAS, Hints CEO Bhavish Aggarwal
The Ola S1 Pro is available in 12 colour choices – Gerua, Jet Black, Porcelain White, Neo Mint, Coral Glam, Liquid Silver, Matt Black, Jet Black, Midnight Blue, Anthracite Grey, Millenial Pink, and Marshmellow. In a recent development, the automaker responded to several accidents and failures involving the front suspension of the scooter by offering to upgrade the component for current customers.
Also Read: Ola Leads the Electric 2W Sales in February 2023; Sells 17,667 S1 Units
Ola Electric 2023 March Sales
In March this year, Ola Electric recorded its highest-ever monthly sales. In the previous month, the EV manufacturer sold over 27,000 units. According to market reports, this has caused the company to become stronger in the segment, with its market share growing to over 30%. Ola sold 2 lakh electric vehicles by the end of the fiscal year 2022–23, maintaining its position at the top of the sales list for seven consecutive months.
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