Okinawa to launch its first 100 per cent locally made two-wheeler in India. Badged as the Oki100, it will be powered by a lithium-ion battery pack and will have a top speed of 100 km/h.
Electric two-wheeler manufacturer Okinawa has announced that the company will be launching a new EV in the third quarter of the 2020-21 financial year. This will be Okinawa’s first 100 per cent made in India bike for India, which is why the company has decided to call it the Oki100. Now while Okinawa says that the Oki100 will be completely made in India, its lithium-ion battery cells will be imported. Regardless, it’s still commendable that Okinawa has worked to make the rest of the electric two-wheeler completely in India.
Okinawa has not revealed much else about the upcoming Oki100, but the company has said is that the bike will be capable of reaching 100km/h and that it will have a lithium-ion battery pack. The prototype for the Oki100 was also showcased at the 2020 Auto Expo in Greater Noida.
The Oki100 is the starting point for Okinawa to introduce a range of 100 per cent locally made two-wheelers in India.
“We welcome PM Modi’s vision of ‘vocal for local’. To accelerate the same Okinawa has announced a 100 per cent ‘Make in India’ electric bike. Currently, Okinawa offers maximum localization of electric vehicles, which is 88%. With our upcoming electric bike, we are taking the localization level up to 100 %. All the components of electric motorcycle will be manufactured and sourced from local suppliers. We expect this to boost local suppliers’ domain and inspire all the EV start-ups to go ‘Vocal for local’,” said Jeetender Sharma- MD, Okinawa.
Also read - Okinawa Scooters achieves compliance for FAME-II subsidies and incentives
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