Within five months after its launch in India, the Bajaj Freedom 125 has seen a price cut ranging from Rs 5,000 to 10,000. With this update, Bajaj's first CNG bike – the Freedom 125 – is priced from Rs 89,997 for the entry-level Drum variant to Rs 95,002 for the middle-spec Drum LED variant. The price of the top-end Disc LED variant remains the same though, at 1.10 lakh. The prices mentioned are ex-showroom. Here's a proper look at the new pricing of the Freedom 125:
Variants | New Price (ex-showroom) | Quantum of Price Reduction |
Drum | Rs 89,997 | Rs 5,000 |
Drum LED | Rs 95,002 | Rs 10,000 |
Disc LED | Rs 1.10 lakh | - |
Also Read: Bajaj Freedom 125 Performance, Quality and Value for Money Ranked
Bajaj Freedom 125: Specifications
The Bajaj Freedom 125 gets a distinctive, high-end-looking design with braced handlebars, an exposed trellis frame, and forks with fork sleeves. It has the longest seat in the market (785mm) and segment-first linked monoshock. Powering the bike is a new 125cc, air-cooled, single-cylinder 'sloper' engine, which can run on either the CNG or the petrol model at the flick of a switch.
The engine churns out 9bhp and 9.7Nm of peak torque when mated to a 5-speed gearbox. The rider can easily switch between a 2kg CNG tank and a 2-litre petrol tank through a handlebar-mounted switch. With both CNG and petrol combined, the CNG bike offers a claimed range of 330km. According to the company, the mileage on CNG is 102km/kg, while the petrol version returns a 65km/l mileage.
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Hardware-wise, there is a tubular trellis frame that's suspended by a telescopic front fork and a linked rear monoshock. The braking setup comprises a disc brake at the front and a drum brake at the rear. The base- and mid-spec variants get drum brakes at both ends.
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