The Bajaj Chetak Premium has been leaked in India just a few days before its official launch on January 5. It will include a tyre pressure monitoring system, Bluetooth connectivity, turn-by-turn navigation, and remote immobilisation in its features kit. The current starting price for the Bajaj Chetak is Rs 1.15 lakh for the Urbane variant and Rs 1.23 lakh for the Tecpac version. According to the leaked specification sheet, the Premium model will cost approximately Rs 1.35 lakh, while the Tecpac version will be priced at approximately Rs 1.43 lakh. These are ex-showroom prices. While the Tecpac version offers both Eco and Sport riding modes, the regular Premium model will only have one Eco riding option. The entry-level version of the e-scooter has a single-screen TFT, while the Tecpac variant sports a 5-inch TFT colour touchscreen. Let's take a closer look at the model's leaked specs before it goes on sale in the nation on January 5.
Also Read: 2024 Bajaj Chetak Urbane Electric Scooter Launched in India at Rs 1.15 Lakh
Bajaj Chetak Premium: Key Highlights
The upcoming e-scooter is expected to include a bigger 3.2kWh battery that can deliver a range of up to 127 kilometres under IDC requirements, however, Bajaj has not confirmed these specifics. But, if the details prove to be accurate, the new EV will become a more advanced option than the current model that has a 108-kilometres-range, and a 2.9kWh battery pack. The top speed of the upcoming electric scooter is 73km/h, according to leaked details.
The primary area where the new Premium model has seen significant improvements is the feature list. The Bajaj Chetak Premium Tecpac boasts Sequential Blinkers, Colour TFT, Full App Connectivity with Call Accept/Reject, Music Play/Pause, Turn By Turn Navigation, Notification Alert, Vacation Mode, Remote immobilization, and more features than the base Chetak Premium, which has Single Screen TFT, Eco mode, and Limited App Connectivity.
Also Read: Bajaj Vector Name Trademarked in India; Could it be for a Sporty Chetak EV?
The hardware package of the Chetak EV includes a single-disc brake system, alloy wheels, and monoshocks on both ends. There is no official confirmation, but the forthcoming Premium variant is expected to continue with the same setup. It's unlikely that the new Premium model will see many design changes, just like the new Chetak Urbane. As a result, the round LED headlight, curved side panels, and retro style will all be present.
The e-scooter market has seen fierce rivalry over the past two years, and to grow this sector, more new producers and well-known companies are now joining the race. Bajaj intends to provide strong competition to companies such as Ola, Ather, TVS, and others that have a substantial market share in India by introducing its new Premium model that is equipped with several new features.
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