Ather Energy has opened bookings for its upcoming 450 Apex for a token amount of Rs 2,500 (fully refundable), with deliveries to commence in March next year. After teasing the electric scooter last month, the EV maker is expected to announce the prices of the EV by the end of 2023 or early 2024. Upon launch in India, the new 450 Apex will be the most powerful Ather yet and will sit above the existing 450X in the line-up. CEO Tarun Mehta even called it the brand's ‘fastest’ scooter yet in a social media post.
The company has also revealed some new features of the Ather 450 Apex, including the Warp+ riding mode, which will take Warp mode to the next level, offering quicker acceleration. Another feature could be a multi-level regen braking system for improved braking.
The scooter is also expected to feature single-channel ABS, cruise control, and transparent body panels, called Series 2. Positioned as the ‘pinnacle’ of the 450 platform, the Ather 450 Apex is set to come with best-in-class features, according to Ather.
Ather 450 Apex: Battery
The Ather 450 Apex is likely to get the same 3.7kWh battery pack as the 450X; however, the motor is expected to be tuned differently to deliver enhanced performance. While the output figures are under wraps, here are the battery specifications of the Ather 450X for reference – it draws power from a 6.2kW motor linked to either a 2.9kWh battery or a 3.7kWh battery pack. The smaller battery yields a claimed range of 111km, while the larger battery pack offers a range of 150km on a single charge. The official 0 – 40km/h time is 3.3 seconds, while the top speed is limited to 90km/h.
Ather 450 Apex: Price, Rivals
The new Apex scooter is expected to be more expensive than the 3.7kWh Ather 450X, which currently retails at Rs 1.48 lakh (ex-showroom). Upon launch in India, the 450 Apex will go toe-to-toe with the likes of the TVS X, Ola S1 Pro and Simple One.
Ather 'Family-Oriented' Scooter to be Launched Too
Besides the Apex, the Bengaluru-based EV maker is also gearing up to launch a ‘bigger, family-oriented scooter’ in 2024. Aiming to offer ‘comfort, ample size, and a whole lot more’, this scooter will not only help Ather expand its EV portfolio in India but will also address a few issues with the 450X and the 450S, including compact dimensions.
Also Read: Hero MotoCorp and Ather Energy Join Forces for EV Fast Charging Network in India
Though it seems to have a conventional design, the scooter is likely to borrow mechanical components from the 450 series; however, its motor could be tuned deformity for more range and improved performance.
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