Mahindra Cars Dealers and Showrooms in Parbhani
There are 1 Mahindra car dealers in the Parbhani which are listed with us. You can find below the contact details and address of your nearest showroom and reach out to them.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the price of the Mahindra XUV400?
The Mahindra XUV400 price falls in the range of ₹16 lakh to ₹19 lakh, as on February 2023. This is the range of ex-showroom prices, visit the price section above to check the up-to-date on-road prices as they vary based on the location.
What is the ground clearance of the Mahindra Scorpio-N?
The unladen Mahindra Scorpio-N ground clearance is 187mm.
What is the Mahindra XUV700’s ground clearance?
The Mahindra XUV700’s ground clearance stands at 200mm.
What is the Mahindra XUV700’s safety rating?
The Global NCAP awarded a five-star safety rating to the Mahindra XUV700.
What is the Mahindra XUV700’s mileage?
There is no ARAI-certified mileage of the Mahindra XUV700.
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