Defending champion Jagan Kumar has resurrected his title hopes in the 2017 Indian National Motorcycle Racing Championship as he took a double win in the fourth round at MMSC, Chennai. Jagan won both the races, earning a total of 50 points, which saw him climb up to second place from fourth in the leaderboard. The TVS Racing rider is only a point behind championship leader Rajiv Sethu (Honda Ten10 Racing) going into the final round.
After having won the first race in the Super Sport Indian (up to 165cc) class on day 1, Jagan carried the moment through the next day and flawlessly went on to win the second race on Sunday. Sethu, meanwhile, crashed out as he high-sided during the race. Jagan’s double-win in the fourth round also meant that he gained two places in the championship, moving up ahead of teammate Harry Sylvester (99) and Honda Ten10 Racing’s Mathana Kumar (109). Jagan and Sethu sit tight at the top with 122 and 123 points, respectively.
Commenting on his crackling performance, Jagan said, “For the first time this season, I got the bike set-up right. Yesterday, it was a close fight with Rajiv Sethu initially, but today, it was very comfortable. Both Rajiv and Mathana Kumar crashed and I eased up considerably.”
The final round of the championship will be held between September 28 and October 1, 2017, at the same venue. Expect to see Jagan and Sethu go neck and neck in the grand finale with the championship trophy at stake.
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