Paying exorbitant amounts of money to get something done that should ideally cost only a nominal fee is a nightmare for
6 years ago -
The AAUI President urges you, not only to wear a helmet but protective clothing as well while riding a motorcycle.
6 years ago -
That driving in the rain involves risks is common knowledge, but there are steps that you can take to mitigate these
6 years ago -
The AAUI President wonders why authorities don’t take action against overloaded vehicles – especially considering
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The AAUI President asks if air pollution and traffic is causing you to grow disenchanted with the automobile. A drive
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Tourism isn’t new, it dates back to the 18th century, says the AAUI President as he walks you through the history of
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The AAUI President says that the choosing a driving school is a matter of life & death. Most driving instructors work
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Travel is about freedom, charting your own course and generally being in control. And it’s anything but freedom when
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Escape road rage – the AAUI President tells you how. Road rage has no definition. It is, in fact, a criminal act
7 years ago