From light is right to hulky and bulky, Lotus has had a change of heart recently. So, can you say the Lotus of today
10 months ago -
As the teams and riders get ready in Sepang for the first tests of the 2024 MotoGP season, we list down the top 5
10 months ago -
Can't decide between the Triumph Scrambler 400X and the new Royal Enfield Himalayan? Don't worry, our man Shivank is in
10 months ago -
This month I completed 10,000km with our long-term Maruti Suzuki Jimny and that means it’s time for a quick trip to
10 months ago -
Each state or popular tourist destination has a villain registration plate, which they despise from the depths of their
10 months ago -
The RS 457 may come across as a cut-price made-in-India Aprilia RS motorcycle, but as far as the riding experience
11 months ago -
After rigorously testing the Apollo Apterra AT2 tyres on the Maruti Suzuki Jimny for over two months now, it’s time
11 months ago -
Imagine seeing a painting spring to life while riding a motorcycle at breakneck speeds. Well, that's exactly how it
1 year ago -
Small turbo petrol engines are all the rage these days, from mainstream hatchbacks to compact-SUVs, they propel
1 year ago -
Can the all-new Honda Elevate best the segment best sellers? We pitch it against the non-turbo variants of the usual
1 year ago
Shivank Bhatt
Shivank joined mechanical engineering thinking it would be all about working on fancy cars and fast motorcycles. Fortunately, before reality struck, he jumped ship and started penning down his love for all things automotive to earn a living. Despite being a distressed engineer, he still has a nose for mechanics. And, given a chance, he can talk incessantly about his love for Jeremy Clarkson and MotoGP.