A visit to the racetrack is not just exciting but can also be nerve-wracking. But to visit one after years, and on a
6 months ago -
If you like making others feel intimidated as your car appears in their rearview mirror, look no further than the
7 months ago -
Coming to my experience with the car in the past month, the ever-so-eager engine start/stop system has started to
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In the world of flagship helmets, the KYT NZ-Race promises unparalleled value for money. Even if it costs Rs 35,000 to
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Getting a motorcycle right is complicated because motorcyclists themselves are complicated. But the Jawa 350 might have
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While my colleagues made do with the two German luxo barges, I found myself happy, and equally impressed, seated in my
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The desirability of small cars is still strong. If a small car is designed well and is backed by the country’s
9 months ago -
Our whole (automotive) universe was in a hot, dense state; then the expansion started – the expansion of screens in
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While it may be the inaugural edition of the Bharat Mobility Expo, it has successfully revived a long-lost magic. One
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The biggest highlight of the 31st Convergence India & 9th Smart Cities India Expo, for me, was witnessing the various
9 months ago
Manav Sinha
Manav Sinha, Digital Editor at autoX, leads everything digital and spearheads the implementation of new strategies and tools, and editorially leads the News Desk to keep viewers up to date with the latest developments in the field of cars, motorcycles, and everything in between. An avid visitor to the racetrack himself, Manav also loves MotoGP. Other than automobiles, he’s interested in technology, and gaming.