For years, we ran around in four-speed automatics. Do you remember the moment when a six-speed automatic was announced?
10 years ago -
There’s a joke doing the rounds in our industry – how many motoring journalists does it take to book a flight? No
10 years ago -
Does it really have to be that hard? I mean, literally. They’re not exactly soft. In racking up the so-called
10 years ago -
There are a few white lies I’ll forgive in the car industry. Fuel consumption is one. You’ll almost never achieve
10 years ago -
Karl encourages you to ignore what people think and just enjoy the car you
10 years ago -
It used to be wonderful. The smell of plastic and glue, the aroma of hot coffee and the sound of shuffling footsteps as
10 years ago -
Patent number 37435 should have special significance for those of us who love our cars. In case it doesn’t ring any
10 years ago -
Karl has had it by the superlatives offered up by PR managers. He reminds us to delete the adjectives for the
10 years ago -
Audi announced last month that it would be building the Q1 in 2016, and has labelled it a compact SUV. Considering the
10 years ago -
Alot of people will tell you it reveals quite a bit about what you’ve stepped into. Some swear that it’s the
11 years ago