What do the phrases, “Built for the Human Race,” and “Relieves Gas Pains” have in common? No, they’re not
8 years ago -
Karl went to the Geneva Motor Show in the hunt for a little escapism, and came home disappointed by the lull in concept
8 years ago -
Karl is as happy as the next guy with the drop in the price of oil, but he warns that you probably shouldn’t start
8 years ago -
Karl gets first-hand experience of the perils of texting while driving. From the bottom of his heart and the top of his
8 years ago -
Karl examines research that claims rising property prices actually increases people’s propensity to consume. Some
9 years ago -
With the advent of autonomous cars, Karl wonders if you should even be on the road if you can’t even steer your car
9 years ago -
Amidst all the vitriol, Karl has a different point of view on Dieselgate. Plenty has happened over the past few weeks
9 years ago -
Karl reckons that Narcissism has ruined luxury – or is that the tramadol talking? Tramadol is a heck of a drug. In
9 years ago -
Karl believes that petrol is in the blood, and a love for mechanical things often genetic. But there’s no reason why
9 years ago -
Karl wonders how he’ll learn to live without the ear tickling pleasure providing by a naturally aspirated
9 years ago