The all-new, all-electric Mini Countryman aims straight at the hearts of car enthusiasts with a family. So, has the
4 months ago -
A company who understands the art of adventure, also understands its needs. The Royal Enfield Explorer V4 Pro riding
4 months ago -
To facilitate the growing trend of off-road adventure motorcycles, Royal Enfield has introduced the Optimus dual-sport
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The Yezdi Adventure has been put under the knife and returns with added style, features and capability over the
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Does spending more money on an off-road motorcycle make you a better off-road rider? To find out, I set out on an
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If you have a homegrown bias, which premium 300-400cc motorcycle should you go for? Is it the sharp-looking,
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BGauss has launched the RUV 350 in the hope of kickstarting a new premium utility electric scooter segment. But is its
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Say hello to the new 4th-generation Nissan X-Trail. It’s well-built, luxurious and extremely comfortable, but
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In order to improve the best and fastest electric motorcycle in the country, Ultraviolette Automotive has made F77 Mach
5 months ago -
When you think of sporty 125cc motorcycles, the TVS Raider is what springs to mind. However, Hero has now introduced a
5 months ago
Karan Mathur
Karan has been obsessed with everything automotive even before his feet could touch the ground on his first bicycle. With a creative mindset and a mission to stir emotions through visual & written content, Karan feels he has best combined his passion for art and his die-hard love for automobiles. He is the Multimedia Producer at AutoX, tasked to bridge the gap between editorial and content production teams. His favourite topics are hot hatchbacks, car modifications, Formula 1, fast bikes and motorcycle safety gear.