Ithink one of the hallmarks of a good automobile is how it quickly becomes a part of your life's background. And that
5 years ago -
There are a lot of things that can be said about the Ertiga, but there is a simple fact that cannot be denied. At the
5 years ago -
After a month with the Ertiga, what I’m beginning to realise is the immense practicality that a well thought out MPV
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Like I’d predicted last month, after having been in our long-term fleet for almost a year, it was finally time for
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As you’ll read elsewhere in this feature, after spending the better part of a year with the Jeep Compass, I now have
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The fact that the Compass has excellent off-road ability is no secret. Last month I’d taken it off-roading with some
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Unlike last month, where I got very little time to drive our long-term Jeep Compass, this month the going has been much
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As anyone working in the publishing industry will testify, there’s a month, or two, every year, when you go insane in
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In the few months that I’ve had the Jeep Compass as my long-term test car, I’ve had various opportunities to test
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That we’d had something of an extreme monsoon is perhaps an understatement of sorts. The rains have been drastic this
6 years ago