As motor racing begins to rebuild after the lockdowns, the delicate balance between the operation of the sport and
4 years ago -
It’s good news that Formula 1 has finally agreed to financial regulations to safeguard the sport in the mid- to
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In a world without motorsport, column writing becomes a little more of a challenge. You didn’t come here to read
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One should never pay much attention to the lap times in Formula 1’s pre-season testing, as we saw last year when
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In three short years, F1 has gone from being an insular cash cow for a private equity firm to fan centric sport with a
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How many F1 teams will change hands over the winter break? As the year comes to an end, and Formula 1 folk wind down a
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It would be nice to see more manufacturers come into F1, but it’s still quite an undertaking. Carmakers have rushed
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New teams in the modern day need a willing billionaire behind them, and the number of willing billionaires in this
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Formula 1 is greener than you think… At the Frankfurt Motor Show, Formula 1 chairman and CEO Chase Carey made a big
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F1 will increase to 22 races in 2020 – although yet to be confirmed at the time of writing – the total number of
5 years ago