The annual Detroit Auto Show is traditionally the event that kicks off the New Year for auto manufacturers around the
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Honda has recently showcased the Gear Concept at the Montreal Auto Show. While Montreal is traditionally not a show
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We can date the success of Skoda back to 2002 when they first introduced India to a sedan called Octavia. People
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Mercedes-Benz India today launched their flagship store in India. Spread over an area of over 60,000 sq ft, the
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Fresh from a trip to the great expanse of North America, Ishan wonders how far we have to go before we can consider
11 years ago
Ishan Raghava
Assistant Editor with autoX, Ishan has great technical and practical knowledge, and his life-long love for cars has seen him devote some of the best years of his youth to a perhaps wasteful, yet satisfying, pursuit of his obsession with automobiles. He has worked with lifestyle publishing brands as a freelance / consultant for over 15 years and as a part of the autoX team for 12 years.