Tata Motors has been in a resurgent mode of late, and their hard work at developing new and improved vehicles has been
8 years ago -
What gives a member of the armed forces the strength, courage and conviction to face a bullet to protect his or her
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In an era where luxury saloons are just too mainstream, Mercedes-Benz A 200 D and Volvo V40 D3 R-Design are two luxury
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With the addition of a 1.0-litre three-pot motor to the Kwid line-up, the small and rugged Renault hatchback now caters
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One of the technologies that has received the most hype in a Tesla Model S of late has been its Autopilot or autonomous
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Over the years, the Minis have really grown in size, but the thing that remains the virtue of a Mini is its ergonomics.
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With the Volvo S60 Cross Country, the Sweden-based automaker has brought in the Cross Country nameplate to the country.
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After a long delay, Nissan has finally decided to launch its halo car – the GT-R in India later this year. As a
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The Nissan X-Trail Hybrid is the French automaker's answer to electric mobility, well sort of. But with dozens of
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Renault has updated the Duster to match it up with the growing competition. We drive the Renault Duster Facelift
8 years ago
Ishan Raghava
Assistant Editor with autoX, Ishan has great technical and practical knowledge, and his life-long love for cars has seen him devote some of the best years of his youth to a perhaps wasteful, yet satisfying, pursuit of his obsession with automobiles. He has worked with lifestyle publishing brands as a freelance / consultant for over 15 years and as a part of the autoX team for 12 years.