The Porsche 911 is, perhaps, the most capable sports car in the world since its very arrival. With the latest 992
5 years ago -
The Kia Soul EV is a beautiful compact vehicle, with a massive range, spacious cabin and, practicality in spades. In
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One-hundred-and-fifty-issues! Now, that’s a significant milestone – cementing years of hard work and perseverance.
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The first thing that pops in the head when you talk about Minis - well, the sublime drivetrains, perfect driving
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The bi-annual Cartier Concours D’Elegance features some of the finest cars to have ever graced Indian roads. The 6th
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Continuing our coverage of the stunning timepieces showcased at SIHH 2019, this month we look at some of the more
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Ever since its launch, the Figo has been a wonderful product in Ford's line-up. It had excellent suspension, frugality
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In this era, in a world full of SUVs, driving a conventional SUV isn't the most enticing thing on the planet. So, now
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Winning India’s foremost automotive award thrice is no mean feat. It’s even more impressive when it’s won by
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2019 begins with some absolutely stunning launches at SIHH 2019, one of the biggest events in the world of watchmaking.
5 years ago
Ishan Raghava
Assistant Editor with autoX, Ishan has great technical and practical knowledge, and his life-long love for cars has seen him devote some of the best years of his youth to a perhaps wasteful, yet satisfying, pursuit of his obsession with automobiles. He has worked with lifestyle publishing brands as a freelance / consultant for over 15 years and as a part of the autoX team for 12 years.