It’s no secret that the development of the India’s first world-class racing track, the Buddh International Circuit
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Shrawan Raja caught up with Tomas Ernberg, Managing Director of Volvo Auto India, in Chennai. As the Swedish
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This month, we look at a technology that’s revolutionizing the way headlights light up the road ahead to make night
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Read our extensive comparison of the Lexus GS350 and Scion FR-S as we break them down to their core to see which one of
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The Mahindra Stalio was one of the most lethargic attempts at developing a motorcycle in the history of motoring. With
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It’s not always about what’s obvious. Sometimes, it’s also about what’s beyond the obvious. I walk this fine
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If suave luxury saloons are on your bucket list, here's an extensive comparison of the BMW Gran Coupe, Jaguar XJ, and
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While there is no real measure for the longevity of time, it is safe to say for us mere mortals that 100 years of
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For years, Indian biking enthusiasts had been desperate for a sporty natured motorcycle and Yamaha realized the
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We’re a bunch of crazy chaps when it comes to anything on wheels that’s small, yet powerful. And if it’s got
11 years ago