Every phenomenon needs a hero to make it sexy. F1 needs Ferrari. Running needs Usain Bolt. Smart phones need Apple,
8 years ago -
My nine year-old daughter and I often play an interactive globe game that shouts out names of obscure countries at you,
8 years ago -
If you’re holding this issue in your hands, I assume you were attracted by the Himalayan on the cover – or the
8 years ago -
Thank the Lord that the Auto Expo is a bi-annual event, and doesn’t come every year. Sure, there’s no other time
8 years ago -
Typically we start the year in the hunt for snow. This time we’re searching for something a little harder to find –
8 years ago -
There’s a serious problem with the Baleno – it keeps getting nicked by the unlikeliest people! For starters, I
8 years ago -
“2016 started out on a bit of an odd note,” an oft-repeated (but not particularly funny) joke in the National
8 years ago -
We're back at the BIC, and yet again we've lined up a range of exotic machines such as Range Rover Sport SVR, Audi S5,
9 years ago -
You don’t have to ask us twice to surrender the proverbial pen and don our racing overalls – we’re happy to do
9 years ago -
I, sort of, stole our long-term Baleno from Kapil. Needless to say, he was pretty happy with the car for the short time
9 years ago
Dhruv Behl
founded autoX in 2006 with little clue of what lay ahead. Driven by a passion for anything on four wheels and a stubborn will to succeed, he moulded a team as pig-headed as him to create a medium that could adequately communicate the magnificence of the automobile to an unsuspecting audience. Today, autoX stands for independence, candidness, and objectivity – but, most of all, for heart & soul. And that’s one ingredient that has to come from within. Be warned, however, it is infectious!